Sunday, 29 August 2021

Reflections on Google Meets - Week 2 Level 4 Lockdown

Ms Tannahill attended a few awesome google meets with classes last week. It's so inspiring to share my week with some of our teachers and their classes. 

Each class looked and sounded like a 'business as usual' at New Windsor School. I sensed the importance of using the New Windsor Way Values, the three R's and three C's throughout the meetings. Meeting protocol is quite complex, especially when you are only six years old and are learning to navigate computer literacy.

Meeting by distance every day is definitely our new norm. I wish to acknowledge the part our teachers, students and whanau play in making this type of learning manageable and successful.

One of my memorable moments was when the teacher asked the class to share a celebration from their week in lockdown. One student replied, 'My memorable moment was when I went for a walk with my family. We just enjoyed the sun and the outside'. 

This comment really depicts the simple things in life that we most value when faced with the complications of a world pandemic.

Kia Kaha everyone!

Friday, 20 August 2021

 Level 4 Lockdown at Huia 

This morning when I walked my dog, Koda, on Huia beach I thought about what a privilege it is to have such a picturesque place to walk around. I live two minutes walk from the beach, so it's very easy to wander around my neighbourhood safely. I like to watch the birds gather on the beach, then quickly take off in flight as soon as the dog and I get closer.

Last weekend I saw an Antarctic Fur Seal pup sleeping on the rocky outcrop beside the beach. Evidentally these can be very aggressive, so I had to take care not to startle it.

The teachers and the Leadership Team have been working hard to ensure your Distance learning sites are all ready. There is some very exciting learning available. I have attended a few class Google Meets and Zoom sessions, where both students and teachers are learning together.

I hope you are all staying safe and being kind to your family.

Blood Moon Comes to NZ

I've always been fascinated with the Astronomy, especially the night sky. I love watching sunsets and the moon rising. The phases of the...