Initially I was feeling quite wary about the change in Alert Levels. It feels like Auckland has been at Alert Level 4 for a long time but we needed to stay safe. Auckland is still at risk from Delta, so hopefully we will all continue to be vigilent and keep our bubbles safe.
What I have realised, is for most whanau, Alert Level 3 is not much different than being at home at Alert Level 4. Yes, we have more freedom to choose to extend our bubble just a little. In addition, we can opt to buy some takeaway food, but generally most of Aucklanders are still working and learning from home.
Living at Huia doesn't look and feel any different, except the roading crew are repairing the flood damaged roads and the council workers are mowing the park.
I'm aware we need to celebrate the small wins. My son, daughter in law and grandchildren are part of my extended bubble, so it meant that we could celebrate my birthday with a family bubble dinner. I felt like I had been out to a restaurant, as I've had to cook for myself since the beginning of Lockdown.
My Mum who is 97 and lives alone, was taken out for a drive around her neighbourhood by her bubble family. She hadn't even been down her driveway, so she felt a huge sense of freedom just to see the world for a bit.
I keep hearing from friends and family how much their children are missing school. It will be a relief for all when we eventually return to Alert Level 2 and Auckland students can be back at school like the rest of the country. I think all the parents will love this as well!
Some of our students, whose parents are essential workers are attending bubble school at present. There are two very small bubbles with two teachers, Learning Assistants and a Principal on site. There are strict health and safety protocols in place, so it doesn't look like normal school as we know it at all. It has been awesome to hear fom Ms Siohane how many of our parents have been to the school gate over the last two days to collect learning packs for their children.
I'm looking forward to making the most of the weekend and having a break from being constantly on my computer.
Nga Mihi