Friday, 19 November 2021

Blood Moon Comes to NZ

I've always been fascinated with the Astronomy, especially the night sky. I love watching sunsets and the moon rising. The phases of the moon remind me of the places I have sat and watched the night sky all around the world.

Stargazing has always been a hobby. I love to spot the two pointers of the Southern Cross and find direct South. When I lived in the Northern Hemisphere I stargazed at a different Star Constellation.

This evening there was a Blood Moon. It was a celebrated event as it hasn't occurred for 800 years. The moon rose earlier tonight and you could see the eclipse clearly in the North Eastern sky.


It was a very long eclipse because the moon was at the furtherest part of its orbit away from the Earth.  It is s so far away from Earth it moves very slowly resulting in a very long eclipse. This is called a Micro Moon.

It is called a blood moon because during a lunar eclipse the Earth passes directly between the moon and the Sun so that the Earth's shadow falls directly on to the moon, making it dark.

At the mid-phase of the eclipse the only light falling on the moon is from all of the sunsets around the Earth so that is why the colour goes red. 

It was so spectacular to watch.

Did you see this phenomena in our night sky?

Sunday, 14 November 2021

What is your Superpower?

Last week in Room 24 we listened to, then reread and discussed two texts about Kindness. Our focus was to make connections from texts to real life.

Here is Morton's synopsis of the story, 'How to Spread Kindness'

Today I learnt how to how to spread kindness. The first story was about spreading kindness being like us having an "invisible bucket" - the story told me that every one has an invisible bucket. 

The bucket is like water: when there is more water in the bucket its heavier, so when you fill your bucket you feel happy and joyful. But when your bucket is empty you feel sad and lonely. The way you earn water is if you're kind and helpful, it gives the person you helped or made happy more water in their invisible bucket. That comes back to you, so you also get water in your bucket from helping them. Sometimes you lose water by getting bullied or being mean to someone else.

Do you like to have a full bucket! I certainly do! It's good for my wellbeing.

One of the follow up create tasks, was for the students to create a poster about their Superpower as a friend. This is worth considering, because not only do we all bring special treasures to a friendship, we also receive them. 

Rieza made this from Canva. Have a look at his blog, he recommends this site to make awesome posters that you will be proud of.

Sarah made this from Wordart.

Saad made this poster.

Haadi made this poster.

Thanks for checking out our Class Blog celebrating some of our Learn, Create, Share Reading tasks for the week.

Monday, 8 November 2021

Creative Artworks

Welcome to the end of Week 3.

Room 24 learning continues to be linked to the theme Kaitiakitanga, with particular focus on being responsibile citizens of Aotearoa. 

This week we made artworks using natural items found outside. Many of the students created a self portrait made with a collection of leaves, flowers, bark and stones they found in their backyard or in the park.

Check out their blogs to see what they have shared!

It is lovely to see this type of learning being transferred from school to whanau activities. Some families who recently visited Huia, created these bivouacs from the logs and sticks left on the beach after a recent storm.

This gave both local children and visitors a chance to create more bivouacs alongside these and play for the day in the huts.

Can you make a bivoac in your backyard, or a hut inside? 

Have a great week of learning! 

Blood Moon Comes to NZ

I've always been fascinated with the Astronomy, especially the night sky. I love watching sunsets and the moon rising. The phases of the...